Deep Scriptural Analyzations

Description:The Book of Judith is a deuterocanonical book that tells the story of Judith, a Jewish heroine who saves her people by beheading the Assyrian general Holofernes.
Author name:Unknown
Written date:2nd century BC
Genre:Historical Fiction
Chapter count:16
Verse count:340
Audience:Jewish readers
Theme:Courage, faith, and deliverance
Key verses:Judith 8:25-27; Judith 13:6-8
Summary:The Book of Judith is a fictional tale of a courageous and resourceful Jewish widow named Judith who saves her people from an invading army by deceiving and beheading its general, Holofernes.
Outline:I. The Threat of Invasion (1:1-7:32) II. Judith's Plan and Execution (8:1-13:10) III. Israel's Victory and Judith's Praise (13:11-16:25)