Deep Scriptural Analyzations

Description:Genesis is the first book of the Bible and describes the creation of the world, the fall of humanity, and the early history of humanity, including the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, and the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It outlines God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants, setting the foundation for the rest of the biblical narrative.

LanguageLanguage CodeLanguage NameVerse Text
EnglishkjvKing James VersionAnd Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.
EnglishbbeBible in Basic EnglishAnd Jacob said, First of all give me your oath; and he gave him his oath, handing over his birthright to Jacob.
EnglishwebWorld English BibleJacob said, “Swear to me first.” He swore to him. He sold his birthright to Jacob.
EnglishwebbeWorld English Bible, British EditionJacob said, “Swear to me first.” He swore to him. He sold his birthright to Jacob.
LatinclementineClementine Latin VulgateAit Jacob : Jura ergo mihi. Juravit ei Esau et vendidit primogenita.
Age GroupExplanation
5Esau was very hungry and asked Jacob for some of the food he was cooking. Jacob said he would give him some if Esau gave him his birthright.
10Esau was very hungry and asked Jacob for some of the food he was cooking. Jacob said he would give him some if Esau gave him his birthright.
15Esau was very hungry and asked Jacob for some of the food he was cooking. Jacob said he would give him some if Esau gave him his birthright.
20Esau was very hungry and asked Jacob for some of the food he was cooking. Jacob said he would give him some if Esau gave him his birthright.