Deep Scriptural Analyzations

Description:Genesis is the first book of the Bible and describes the creation of the world, the fall of humanity, and the early history of humanity, including the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, and the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It outlines God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants, setting the foundation for the rest of the biblical narrative.

LanguageLanguage CodeLanguage NameVerse Text
EnglishkjvKing James VersionPeradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.
EnglishbbeBible in Basic EnglishIf by chance there are five less than fifty upright men, will you give up all the town to destruction because of these five? And he said, I will not give it to destruction if there are forty-five.
EnglishwebWorld English BibleWhat if there will lack five of the fifty righteous? Will you destroy all the city for lack of five?” He said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.”
EnglishwebbeWorld English Bible, British EditionWhat if there will lack five of the fifty righteous? Will you destroy all the city for lack of five?” He said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.”
LatinclementineClementine Latin VulgateQuid si minus quinquaginta justis quinque fuerint ? delebis, propter quadraginta quinque, universam urbem ? Et ait : Non delebo, si invenero ibi quadraginta quinque.
Age GroupExplanation
5Abraham asked God if he would spare the city if there were only 40 good people in it.
10Abraham asked God if he would spare the city if there were only 40 good people in it.
15Abraham asked God if he would spare the city if there were only 40 good people in it.
20Abraham asked God if he would spare the city if there were only 40 good people in it.