Deep Scriptural Analyzations

Description:Exodus is the second book of the Bible and recounts the story of the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt, their journey through the wilderness led by Moses, and the establishment of the Mosaic covenant at Mount Sinai. It includes the Ten Commandments and the construction of the Tabernacle.

LanguageLanguage CodeLanguage NameVerse Text
EnglishkjvKing James VersionAnd they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
EnglishbbeBible in Basic EnglishSo early on the day after they got up and made burned offerings and peace-offerings; and took their seats at the feast, and then gave themselves to pleasure.
EnglishwebWorld English BibleThey rose up early on the next day, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
EnglishwebbeWorld English Bible, British EditionThey rose up early on the next day, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
LatinclementineClementine Latin VulgateSurgentesque mane, obtulerunt holocausta, et hostias pacificas, et sedit populus manducare, et bibere, et surrexerunt ludere.
Age GroupExplanation
5God was so angry with the Israelites for worshiping a statue of a cow that He wanted to destroy them all.
10God was so angry with the Israelites for worshiping a statue of a cow that He wanted to destroy them all.
15God was so angry with the Israelites for worshiping a statue of a cow that He wanted to destroy them all.
20God was so angry with the Israelites for worshiping a statue of a cow that He wanted to destroy them all.