Deep Scriptural Analyzations

Description:Exodus is the second book of the Bible and recounts the story of the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt, their journey through the wilderness led by Moses, and the establishment of the Mosaic covenant at Mount Sinai. It includes the Ten Commandments and the construction of the Tabernacle.

LanguageLanguage CodeLanguage NameVerse Text
EnglishkjvKing James VersionPharaoh’s chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea.
EnglishbbeBible in Basic EnglishPharaoh's war-carriages and his army he has sent down into the sea: the best of his captains have gone down into the Red Sea.
EnglishwebWorld English BibleHe has cast Pharaoh’s chariots and his army into the sea. His chosen captains are sunk in the Red Sea.
EnglishwebbeWorld English Bible, British EditionHe has cast Pharaoh’s chariots and his army into the sea. His chosen captains are sunk in the Red Sea.
LatinclementineClementine Latin Vulgatecurrus Pharaonis et exercitum ejus projecit in mare : electi principes ejus submersi sunt in mari Rubro.
Age GroupExplanation
5God is great and mighty, and He is worthy of praise.
10God is great and mighty, and He deserves to be praised.
15God is powerful and worthy of praise, and we should give Him thanks.
20God is great and mighty, and He deserves our praise and adoration.