Deep Scriptural Analyzations

Description:Exodus is the second book of the Bible and recounts the story of the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt, their journey through the wilderness led by Moses, and the establishment of the Mosaic covenant at Mount Sinai. It includes the Ten Commandments and the construction of the Tabernacle.

LanguageLanguage CodeLanguage NameVerse Text
EnglishkjvKing James VersionThis day came ye out in the month Abib.
EnglishbbeBible in Basic EnglishOn this day, in the month Abib, you are going out.
EnglishwebWorld English BibleToday you go out in the month Abib.
EnglishwebbeWorld English Bible, British EditionToday you go out in the month Abib.
LatinclementineClementine Latin VulgateHodie egredimini mense novarum frugum.
Age GroupExplanation
5God wanted the people to remember that the firstborn sons of the Egyptians were killed, but the Israelites were saved because they put lamb's blood on their doors.
10God commanded the Israelites to always remember how He saved them from the death of their firstborn sons by having them put lamb's blood on their doors.
15God instructed the Israelites to remember how the firstborn sons of the Egyptians were killed, but the Israelites were saved because they put lamb's blood on their doors.
20God wanted the Israelites to never forget how He saved them from the death of their firstborn sons by having them put lamb's blood on their doors.