Deep Scriptural Analyzations

2 John
Description:2 John is a brief New Testament letter written by the apostle John, addressed to "the elect lady and her children." John encourages the recipients to continue walking in truth and love, and he warns against false teachers who deny the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He advises them not to offer hospitality to such teachers, as doing so would make them participants in their deception.
Author name:John
Written date:AD 85-95
Chapter count:1
Verse count:13
Audience:The elect lady and her children
Theme:Living in truth and love
Key verses:2 John 1:6; 2 John 1:9
Summary:2 John is a brief New Testament letter written by the apostle John to the "elect lady and her children," likely referring to a local congregation and its members. The letter emphasizes the importance of living in truth and love, and warns against providing hospitality to false teachers who deny the truth about Jesus Christ. It encourages believers to remain steadfast in the teachings of Christ.
Outline:I. Greeting (1:1-3) II. Walking in Truth and Love (1:4-6) III. Warning Against Deceivers (1:7-11) IV. Final Greetings (1:12-13)